5 Ways To Get Your Fitness On In The New Year

5 Ways To Get Your Fitness On In The New Year

The holidays are nearing their end and you may be thinking that after a couple of months of over-indulgence, how are you going to fit back into your non-winter clothes? I think most of us can relate but here is something to remember, it is never too early to start working on that summer body.

I know many of us make New Year's resolutions and swear this is the year we are going to get committed and stay committed to a health and fitness routine. I think if there is ever a time to commit to your fitness, it is early winter because we tend to be less active this time of year, eat more, and gain more weight.

The days are shorter, the weather may be challenging depending on your location, and the food temptations are ridiculous. Not to mention game day Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays with all of the gatherings with snacks and drinks. But you can get fit and stay fit in the winter, despite what seems like the worst time of year to achieve your fitness goals.

The first thing to remember is nothing has changed. You are still you whether you have gained a few extra pounds or not. You can indulge but just do it in moderation. And most importantly, remember that a bad day, or even a bad week does not undo all of your progress, so no matter what, just get back at it.

Your fitness journey may need to start indoors, either at a gym or at home and that is okay too. This is not an advertisement for Peloton, but I use my Peloton tread, bike, or the Peloton app daily for my fitness needs. I say make whatever you have available work for you.

5 Ways To Get Your Fitness On Now and In The New Year

Walking and Hiking

I am fortunate enough to live close to many trails, so walking and hiking is always an option for me. On days when it gets dark early or it is too cold out, I choose to walk on my treadmill. Find your favorite place to walk or hike, bring a friend, or just pop in your earbuds and enjoy the scenery in solitude.


Running is exhilarating. My treadmill is my bestie and my happy place. Whether you choose to speed walk, jog, or take a run, the treadmill is a great place to work on your conditioning.


If you are like me and have knee issues, cycling is a great way to build cardio fitness and leg strength without the traumatic impact that running can have on the body. Cycling is a great option for low-impact exercise to take either indoors or outdoors.

Strength Training

Strength training is very important as we age. Our bones need it. Our bodies need it. Strength training burns a lot of calories and builds muscle while strengthening bones and reducing the risk of osteoarthritis.

Pilates and Yoga

Doing pilates and yoga is a way to work on flexibility and strength while minimizing impact on the body. Pilates and yoga moves are easily performed indoors and are great companions to your endurance exercises.

I have given you some options to help get you started on your fitness recovery or journey but there are so many more that I did not mention. What is your favorite way to move your body and exercise? Please share!

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