Favorite Color...What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

Favorite Color...What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

What is your favorite color? Everyone has a favorite color. We love certain colors because of how they make us feel, thoughts they bring, and even how they make us look.

Most of us never really think about why we like a certain color, and if asked to explain the preference one might actually struggle for an answer.

I know when my daughter asked me why I loved my favorite color I found it almost indescribable, because it was a feeling.

I am drawn to my favorite color instinctively, picking paint colors, clothing, and decorations without even realizing the similarities.

I find the psychology behind our favorite colors so fascinating I thought to dedicate a blog to the topic. I want to break it down by colors and what those colors say about those who love them.

I am going to use the primary colors, as well as a few others I believe to be very popular.

Here’s What Your Favorite Color Says About You


Much like the color red, you are vibrant. You have a zest for life, and live it to the fullest. Red lovers are also very passionate and determined.


Those who favor blue are reliable, confident, and strong. Much like the ocean, blue lovers can be calm, cool, and stormy, but they value stability above all.


Much like the red lover, the orange lover is bold, friendly, and outgoing. They are also cravers of attention.


The yellow lovers are knowledge seekers and generally happy people. They are intelligent and love to learn new things.


Inspired by nature, the green lovers are consistent, loyal, affectionate, and generous. This color lover places high regard on self-worth and reputation.


The black lover is artistic, moody, strong-willed, and determined. They can also be demanding, and somewhat closed off to others.

So there you have a very simple breakdown of our color preferences and a description of how that color preference may reflect who we are as individuals. It seems a bit odd and makes sense to me all at the same time. I find that the color analysis is spot on for me.

You will often find me wearing black. Black is simple, classic, slimming, and goes with everything. It is a close second to my favorite color. In case you are wondering my favorite color is blue. I like many shades of blue, but I prefer a rich, dark blue with a slight hint of gray.

What is your favorite color? Does the color analysis correctly describe your personality? Please share your thoughts!

“Blue has no dimensions, it is beyond dimensions, whereas the other colours are not … All colours arouse specific associative ideas, psychologically material or tangible, while blue suggests at most the sea and sky, and they, after all, are in actual, visible nature what is most abstract.” – Yves Klein

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