What Puts A Smile On Your Face? Whatever It Is, Keep Doing It...

What Puts A Smile On Your Face? Whatever It Is, Keep Doing It...

Did you know that smiling can make you appear more attractive and younger looking? People like to be around happy individuals, and are drawn to them. Now, a smile in itself is not a true indicator of one's mood or emotional state. Sometimes people smile as a greeting, or even to hide their true thoughts and feelings. These false smiles do not reach the eyes, and are usually discernible from the real thing. What I want to know is what truly makes you smile.

I have to admit I am not a big smiler, but I can think of a lot things that make me smile. When I smile it is usually genuine because I am not great at pretending. So I try to make it a point to have people and hobbies in my life that make me smile, and avoid those people and things that make me frown.

I am simple when it comes to being happy. If a song that I love comes on the radio I turn it up, and start smiling. I smile a lot when working out, or so I have been told. Those endorphins kick in, and I start feeling so good. I smile at the smell of fresh baked bread, or cookies. All of these simple things make me happy, and make me smile.

Here are some of life’s simple pleasures that make me smile...

  1. Watching My Daughters Laugh and Be Kind To Each Other

  2. Seeing The First Sprigs Of Something I’ve Planted Come Up

  3. A Good Joke

  4. My First Cup Of Coffee In The Morning

  5. The Leaves Changing Color In The Fall

  6. The Sound Of Rain Patter, While Snuggling In Bed

  7. A Crackling Fire

  8. Sitting Down To Dinner With My Family

  9. Disneyland

  10. Watching The Waves At The Ocean

  11. Fresh Flowers

  12. A Kind Word Or Thoughtful Gesture

  13. An Unexpected Text Or Call From A Friend Or Love You Miss

  14. Exercise

  15. A Good Book

Please note that I am not advising you to go around smiling like a grinning idiot. You do not need to be fake. I hope that you can find those every day little things that make you smile. I hope you can find an appreciation for those little things that truly make you happy. If you find that you have little to smile about, think about how you can change that. Life is short. We all deserve something in our life that makes us smile.

Never regret anything that made you smile. - Mark Twain

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