10 Best Ways To Destress and Clear Your Mind

10 Best Ways To Destress and Clear Your Mind

For many people, life feels more stressful now than ever before. The feelings of uncertainty, instability, and vulnerability weigh heavy on many hearts and minds daily, so being able to manage your stress level, and clear your mind to focus and think is a much-needed tool to make it through tough times.

Life is stressful, and while a certain amount of stress is normal and healthy, too much stress can cause serious physical and mental issues.

Unfortunately, there is no magical cure to make all of your problems and worries go away, but there are things you can do to help you cope better.

10 Ways To Destress and Clear Your Mind

Play With A Pet

Animals are wonderful stress relievers. They are loving, and affectionate, and can really be your best friend. If you don’t have a pet, head to the animal shelters and consider giving a home to an animal in need. It’s a win-win decision.

Go For A Walk

Getting outside into the fresh air can do wonders for clearing your head and destressing. The sunshine and vitamin D will almost instantly improve your mood.

Focus On Or Find A Hobby

Hobbies are fun, relaxing, and a great way to spend your free time. Maybe your hobby is bird watching or crocheting, or fixing cars and cooking. Whatever you enjoy doing, dive on in and destress.


While walking is technically a form of exercise, you make want to challenge yourself more mentally and physically by doing some cardio and weight training. Hit the gym, or workout at home with free weights, videos, or fitness apps.

Spend Time With Friends

Spend time with people who make things feel lighter and better. Great friends can truly be a lifesaver in times like these. Have your friends over for dinner, or meet up for a hike or drinks.

Take Time For Yourself

Do something just for yourself, whether that means going to the spa or to the gun range. The simple things in life have been missed lately. Going to get your nails done, going to the gym, or just window shopping feel like activities of the past. Normal is different, so allowing yourself the little treats you can is worth it and will help to reduce your stress.

Spend Some Time Alone

While many of us have been in quarantine during the pandemic, we still may not get any alone time. Time alone with our thoughts or time alone with our hobbies. Close the bedroom door or bathroom and give yourself an hour of alone time. You deserve it.

Declutter Your Life

Believe it or not, clutter can make you feel more stressed and unable to focus. Spend a Saturday decluttering your closet, your bedroom, or your kitchen, and you will reap the benefits. Not only are you getting rid of stuff you no longer use or need, but you can also help others in need by donating your stuff.


Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community, give yourself a purpose, and a way to find appreciation for your life. Whether you choose to volunteer at a hospital, at a retirement home, or at a homeless shelter you are likely to come away from your experience less stressed about your own life.

Get More Sleep

Sometimes managing stress is just a simple matter of getting more sleep. Turn off all of the electronics, put on a sleep mask if needed, and get a good night’s rest. When you wake up in the morning, the world and your life will still be the same, but you will have the energy and the focus to face anything that comes your way.

While we cannot control the world around us, we can do our best to manage and control our response in what often feels like chaotic times. Remember, you got this. You will get through this and things will get better.

Are you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? What do you do to destress and clear your mind? Please your share experience and advice!

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” - Albert Einstein

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