The Benefits of Meditation

The Benefits of Meditation

If you had told five years ago that someday daily meditation would be part of my life, I would have said you don’t know me very well. Yet here I am now, practicing meditation daily and finding peace in my heart and mind that I never thought possible.

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity - to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. - Wikipedia

The thought of meditation may sound silly to some, I know that’s how it sounded to me not too many years ago. But if you are someone who is finding yourself consistently stressed, tired, unhappy with life, or unable to focus, give daily meditation a try for a week and see if you still find it silly after giving it try.

The Basics of Meditating


The practice of meditation is simple and calming and can be done just about anywhere. The basics of meditation are finding a place to be able to sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing.

When I meditate I like to have the lights low. I sit on the floor in a quiet room, with a small blanket under my tailbone, and with my legs in the crossed position. I close my eyes and take deep slow breaths, as I clear my mind.

When I first started meditating, I would do it for about five minutes, which honestly felt like forever. Now I meditate for twenty minutes or more and the time flies. I stand up from meditation and crawl into bed, completely relaxed, at peace, and ready to sleep.

The Benefits of Meditation

Relieves Stress

Life can be very stressful. Whether you are a student, a parent, or a boss, the demands on us in our daily lives can feel overwhelming. Just ten minutes, or three minutes if that’s all you have, can help bring calm, center you, and help you refocus your thoughts and reduce your stress level.

Helps With Sleep

I am an insomniac. I have struggled with sleep for years, which is why I choose to meditate before bedtime. Meditation is very calming and brings down your blood pressure, slows your heart rate, and gets your body ready for a good night’s rest if sleep is your goal.


Meditation is about quieting your mind and getting rid of all the brain chatter that prevents you from being able to decompress and relax. When you center yourself, focus on your breathing, and shutout all those other thoughts, you will feel your body soften as you began to relax.

Helps You Focus

Meditation promotes thoughtfulness. If you have a project or an important event coming up, meditation will help you clear your mind and focus. As you close your eyes and quiet your mind, breathe slowly as you allow your mind to gently focus on the specific topic.

Brings You Peace

The practice of meditation can clear both your head and your heart. When you are able to clear your heart and mind, you are able to make space for love, gratitude, and peace.

I am by no means a meditation expert or Zen master, but I can speak to how meditation has changed my spirit, how it has changed my stress levels, and how it has changed my life for the better. I work on my Zen daily and focus on inner peace.

What are your thoughts on meditation? Do you practice meditation? If so, how does it benefit you? Please share your thoughts and experience with meditation!

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