Easy Combination Fried Rice

Easy Combination Fried Rice

Fried rice is one of my favorite dishes to cook and to eat. It’s fast, it’s filling, and very versatile. The great thing about fried rice is that the rice provides a great base, and you can add any additional ingredients you want.

For this particular recipe I added lots of protein. My fried rice usually consists of brown rice, lots of chicken breast and eggs, plus plenty of carrots and green onions for great flavor and beautiful color. This recipe also has yummy shrimp, and crispy bacon crumbles added.

This meal really comes together in about 30 minutes and if you have sous chef you can be sitting down to the table that much faster.

Easy Fried Rice


6 cups Cooked Brown Rice or White Rice

2 Boneless, Skinless, Chicken Breasts

4 Pieces of Cooked Bacon, Crumbled

8 Jumbo Shrimp, Cut Into Half

1 tbsp. Minced Garlic

3 tbsp. Soy Sauce

3 Eggs

1 cup Shredded Carrots

4 Green Onions, Chopped

Olive Oil


Prepare your white or brown rice either in stove top or using a rice cooker. Cut up chicken breast into small chunks and cook in wok on medium high heat with 2 tbsp. of olive oil and garlic.  While chicken is cooking add bacon to microwave safe plate, cover with paper towel, and cook until crispy. In a skillet drizzle olive oil and cook shrimp on medium high heat until pink and sit aside.

Once chicken is cooked through, about 5 minutes with frequent stir, remove chicken from wok and put to the side. Add carrots and 1 tbsp. of oil to wok and cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add green onions to carrots and cook for 2 more minutes. Add cooked rice and soy sauce and stir until blended. In a small skillet, spray with pan spray and hard scramble eggs. Add eggs and chicken to rice. Blend and serve.

Tip – I highly recommend a rice cooker. The rice can cook while you are preparing your meat and veggies. Or try the frozen rice steam bags that are ready after 3-5 minutes in the microwave.

This recipe also works great with cauliflower rice. Enjoy!

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