5 Signs They're Not Your Friend...They Are A Frenemy

5 Signs They're Not Your Friend...They Are A Frenemy

Some friendships can be complicated. We all have that person in our life who we think of as a friend, maybe even a best friend, but there is something about the relationship that often makes you feel icky. You have known them for a long time and have become used to and conditioned to accept certain behaviors and bad treatment from them but is this person really your friend?

Friends are supportive and respectful, care about your well-being, and want to see you happy. If you question whether someone in your circle genuinely likes you as a person, cares about you, and wants the best for you, they may not actually be a friend.

Here are the 5 signs to look for if you are doubting your friendship.

5 Signs They’re Not Your Friend

They Hurt Your Feelings a Lot

Whether it comes in the form of direct attacks, backhanded compliments, or deliberate slights, this person always manages to make you feel bad about yourself.

If they are hurting your feelings with words or behaviors, you should voice your concerns and if they continue to do it, they are not your friend.

You Walk On Eggshells Around Them

You cannot be honest or direct with them. They will cut you quickly with words or cut you out of their circle. This friend is easily angered, offended, or feels disrespected at the slightest perceived insult or joke. And when they feel this way they retaliate with cruelty.

You Don’t Feel Comfortable Sharing With Them

This person does not celebrate others and is not usually happy to see you doing well or winning in life. You do not trust them with your feelings or good news. In the past, when you shared your good news, they managed to find a way to poo poo on it and dismiss your accomplishment.

You Have Negative Feelings About Them

You keep them in your life because you feel like you should. You rationalize their behavior but if you really think about it, you do not like them because of how they treat you and others. Deep down you have negative thoughts about them.

Do not waste your time or mental health being friends with someone you don’t even like.

You Don’t Think They Like You

You two hang out and do things together but they make you feel as if they are just tolerating you. You have fun sometimes together but then they will do and say things that you make you think they do not actually like you. It is a relationship of convenience but not a real friendship.

If you have people in your life who make you feel bad about yourself, let them go. Life is too short to have people in our lives who create negativity and make us feel mentally and emotionally unsafe. You deserve better and do not need their validation.

What are your thoughts on frenemies? Have you had one? Share your thoughts and feelings!

“Fake friends; those who only drill holes under your boat to get it leaking; those who discredit your ambitions and those who pretend they love you, but behind their backs they know they are in to destroy your legacies.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream

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