7 Fascinating Facts About Orgasms

7 Fascinating Facts About Orgasms

I am very much aware that this is taboo and perhaps a very uncomfortable topic for some, although I don’t think that it should be. But let’s be honest, it’s also an interesting and fascinating topic too, which is why you are reading this blog.

Clearly many people are having orgasms since the world continues to be populated. But say the word orgasm out loud and we get all shy and embarrassed. Of course, orgasm talk isn’t for the church, work, or the family dinner table, but it is definitely something adults should be able to comfortably discuss with their partners and in the bedroom.

Orgasms are wonderful and maybe if people were having more of them there would be a lot more smiles on people’s faces and joy in their hearts. And on that note, here are some interesting facts about orgasms.

Fascinating About Orgasm Facts

Most Women Need More Than Just Intercourse To Orgasm


Oral or digital stimulation of the clitoris is helpful and needed in most sexual interactions for a woman to orgasm. If a man properly stimulates a woman prior to penetration, she will be more likely to orgasm. Know that the stimulation can also consist of mental arousal with fantasy, dirty talk, and sex play.

The bottom line though is if there is no foreplay before intercourse, she will not likely orgasm and if it does seem like she is always having orgasms without it she is probably faking it. Just saying.

The Clitoris Is A Pleasure Center


While women can and do have vaginal orgasms, the clitoris is definitely a woman’s sexual hot button. The clitoris is estimated to have over six thousand nerve endings, which is very sensitive and a key component when it comes to her sexual arousal.

Orgasms Have Many Prompts


Orgasms can be brought on by not only intercourse, but also by physical touches such as a massage, and mental stimulation. You can also orgasm from deep relaxation, pressure to the right spot and orgasms can even be prompted by tension in the body

Men Orgasm Faster Than Women


Not sure if this fact comes as a surprise to anyone, but I do think it’s worth noting. Hence the importance of foreplay. It typically takes a woman longer to orgasm than it does a man, so providing her an orgasm during foreplay or priming her body before penetration is very important to her ultimate pleasure and climax.

One-Third Of Men Are Pre Ejaculator


This does not mean that a man is done when he pre ejaculates, but there will be some sperm released during his erection and excitement. So just a tip, if you are trying to avoid pregnancy, a condom and or a form of birth control is recommended.

Orgasm Are Great Migraine Relievers


Not sure if it’s the fact that your body is flooded with endorphins, but over sixty percent of migraine sufferers reported some or complete migraine relief after experiencing an orgasm.

Multiple Orgasms Are A Thing


Multiple orgasms are orgasms that occur in close proximity to one another. Both men and women can experience multiple orgasms from intercourse, but the ability for this to happen will vary from person to person.

Orgasms can last up to two minutes and if have you the good fortune of being above-average in this category, I salute you for being able to get anything else done. The right orgasm with the right person can give you an out-of-body experience and literally make you feel like you are floating.

They say the best orgasm are the ones you really wanted. The one you really craved. Maybe your wedding night, or your first time with the man or woman you desired for so long. I say the best orgasms come from being with someone you have an intense attraction for and chemistry with.

What are your thoughts on the orgasm facts? Anything to add? Do you disagree with any of the facts? Please share your thoughts and experience!

“The difference between a self-induced orgasm and an orgasm given by a man is like comparing a rainy day and a rainstorm. Rain was a sure thing, you knew exactly what you were going to get: a clean and crisp, both sweet and refreshing experience. But rainstorms were unpredictable, they were riddled with surprises, messy and wet; they were something you had no control over.” - Madeline Sheehan

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