5 Signs He’s Emotionally Immature

5 Signs He’s Emotionally Immature

Emotional maturity usually comes with time, age, and life experiences but that is not always the case. Some people have arrested development and maturity stops prematurely.

Emotional maturity is defined as a tendency to express emotions without restraint or disproportionate to the situation. Someone who is emotionally immature may not take situations seriously or may overreact to what others consider normal circumstances.

Emotionally immature people tend to make everything about them and struggle with rational and critical thinking.

5 Signs He Is An Emotionally Immature Man

Liar Liar

Liar liar pants on pants on fire. Emotionally immature men lie all the time. They cannot help themselves because well…they’re immature. They fail to grasp that while their tendency to lie and over-exaggerate used to work years ago when the women they dated were young and immature as well, most of those women have matured and can see right through them.

The lies literally fool no one. It’s embarrassing.


Emotionally immature men tend to be cheaters because often like a child, they are selfish, entitled, and don’t think things through, including what the consequences might be for their actions.

These men also tend to be impetuous and poor communicators, falling in and out of love easily. A mature man can say I don’t love you any more or it’s over, or say I’m not interested so move on. You know, like a mature adult.

No Accountability For Behavior

Elements of their personal and professional life are a mess. They have bad relationships with family and exes, but let them tell it, it was them, not me.

What he doesn’t understand is the common denominator factor. He will complain about family, friends, and exes without failing to see that while people and circumstances changed, he continues to have the same issues. Why is this? Because he’s the problem. He’s emotional immature and lacks self-awareness.


He thinks everything revolves around him. While not nearly as charming or handsome as he thinks he is to women, his personality and lack of maturity leave something to be desired.

The emotionally immature man makes everyone else’s feelings and situations about him. How will it affect him, he often wonders.

Defensive and Easily Offended

The emotionally immature man is a big baby. He whines, he pouts, and he lashes out if he doesn’t get his way. You didn’t want to do what he wanted, how dare you? Don’t his feelings and desires come first?

Not giving him his way? Prepare for gaslighting. He feels disrespected, or unappreciated that you want what you want and are not catering to him.

A relationship with an emotionally immature man is exhausting and not worth it because if you recognize the signs now, he will never catch up to your level of maturity.

What are your thoughts? Recognize the signs from a past or present relationship? Please share your thoughts and experiences!

Immature people always try to win an argument, even at the cost of a relationship. - Unknown

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