5 Signs He’s Always Thinking About You

5 Signs He’s Always Thinking About You

Do you ever just lay in bed or working at your job or maybe just out and about driving and you can’t help thinking about that certain person and wonder if they are thinking about you too? Of course, you do. If they are on your mind and in your thoughts, the hope is that they are being haunted just as much with thoughts of you.

Unfortunately, they may not come out and tell you just how much they think about you and basically miss you, but some of their actions may give away their true feelings.

When we care about someone deeply or are newly falling in love, they tend to be on our minds a lot. They are on our minds when we go to sleep, and immediately in our thoughts when we wake up in the morning. We are always thinking about them in one way or another. Here are the signs that he‘s always thinking about you.

5 Signs He’s Always Thinking About You

He Calls Out of The Blue


You were not expecting to hear from him. He had to work or had other plans but here he is calling you while he is out with his guy pals.

You are on his mind and he can’t stop thinking about you. The remedy is to see you or hear your voice. Something to make him feel closer to you in the moment.

He’s Texting A Lot


Maybe your guy is away at school or on a business trip, or maybe just in the other room, wherever he is at, he is thinking about you and just wants to connect. So he texts.

He may send texts here or there or long chains of loving words and just small talk. It doesn’t matter what you two talk about, he just wants you on the other end of his texts. He is missing you and needs his fix.

He’s On Your Social Media


When he is thinking of you and missing you he may be glued to your social media when you two are apart. He may send you cute little messages and memes, and he will always be the first to like a new pic or comment of yours.

You may also find that he tends to go through your old post and like pics from the past too.

He Admits It


His intent may not be to say you’re always on his mind but when he tells how something reminded him of you when he was out and about or says he thought about you because a song came on the radio is all telling enough. He is saying you are always there, on his mind.

Or he may just be willing to be vulnerable and romantic and tell you how much he misses you when apart and how much you are on his mind.

He’s Buying Thoughtful Or Random Gifts


Gifts are always nice and appreciated but you were not expecting anything from your guy. But when he saw the candle, or necklace, or a cute little stuffed animal he couldn’t help but think of you so he bought it.

The fact that he is not declaring his undying love for you does not mean he is not falling for you or already in love. Signs are always there when it comes to how a man really feels, good or bad. Not every thought or feeling needs to be said, and the fact that they are not being said does not make a budding romance or love any less real.

Of course, as a relationship progresses there should be no guessing games. But in the early stages, it’s nice the be able to recognize the signs that he’s always thinking about you, which means he has developed feelings for you.

What are your thoughts on the signs he’s always thinking about you? Do you agree with the signs? Do you patiently wait for him to confess his real feelings? Please share your thoughts and experience!

“Thinking of You is easy – I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache, that never goes away.” – Michael Pryce

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