10 Traits Of  A High Value Man

10 Traits Of A High Value Man

A high-value man may be hard to come by but when you find him you may not want to let him go. A high-value man has many traits, and while he is not perfect, he definitely is a catch, and he just may be a keeper.

“A high-value man is defined as the epitome of masculinity, leadership, charm, and sophistication. He is a man of means and influence, loved by women, revered by men, and moves gallantly through the challenges of life with courage and pride.” - Andrew Ferebee

If you are trying to figure out if you have found your high-value man, here are the traits to look for.

10 Signs Of a High-Value Man


A high-value man is assertive. He knows what he wants in his life and is focused on getting it, and if that want includes you, prepare to have your mind blown.

He is assertive but not aggressive. Assertiveness is sexy, aggressiveness is not.


He says what he means and means what he says. He is honest, he is trustworthy, and he is a man of his word. You can believe in and trust a high-value man.


A high-value man is consistent. He is unwavering in his wants, needs, desires, and goals. His consistency and determination is the reason he is so successful in both his personal and professional relationships.


A high-value man knows what he brings to the table. He is confident but not arrogant. A high-value knows what he is capable of and what he deserves and he goes for it, and that may include his pursuit of you.

Knows His Worth

A high-value man knows his worth. He is not seeking approval or validation from others because he knows what he has to offer. He does not look to others to affirm his worth but focuses inward while holding himself to a higher standard.

He Understands People

A high-value man understands people. He has a high level of emotional intelligence. He is compassionate, he understands how people work, why people do what they do, and how to communicate and meet them where they are.

He reads the room and situations like no other, which often gives him the upper hand.

Wants A High-Value Woman

A high-value man wants a high-value woman. A high-value man wants a woman who is confident, assertive, successful, and honest and he does not feel threatened by her ambitions, goals, and self-reliance. A high-value man wants a relationship with his equal.


A high-value man is successful. He is a professional or a businessman, and he is pulling in at least six figures in his annual salary. He is heading to the top of his field or is already there because he is ambitious, determined, and focused.


A high-value man is reliable. He is a man you can count on. He is dependable, he is responsible, and he is a safe place for you.


A high-value man is a charmer. His effortless charisma pulls people in. He knows how to make you feel seen and leave you feeling all gooey inside. He has a knack for making everyone around him feel special, especially the certain woman in his life and the woman he is pursuing.

A high-value man is not just one of the listed traits, he is all of them. It is a high bar to meet the standard of a high-value man, but that is what makes them so exceptional. That is what makes them such a catch. They are the unicorn of men. Rare and hard to find but rewarding and magical when you do.

What are your thoughts on the high-value man? Do you believe they exist? Do you have one? Please share your thoughts and experience!

"A good man will want you to shine. He wants you to be your amazing self. A good man loves to show off his happy, intelligent, amazing, powerful woman." — Anastasia Netri

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