Conflicted About Him? Here's Why You Should Take Some Time Apart

Conflicted About Him? Here's Why You Should Take Some Time Apart

A break from a relationship or a romantic situation does not have to mean a break up or the end of your romance. Time apart can be a good thing, and I am firm believer that distance provides clarity.

Maybe you are questioning if he is the one, you two are not getting along very well, or you have started to feel smothered or overwhelmed by the relationship. Whatever the reason, space can be a positive thing.

If you are in a relationship or in the beginning stages of a budding romance, but are having some doubts about the guy in your life, you may need to step back and take some time apart.

Reasons To Take Time Apart

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To Miss Them Or Not


The saying that absence makes the heart grow founder is often true. Time apart will give you a chance to miss your mate. Being a way from them may be difficult because you may be missing talking to them, smelling them, and touching them. Missing them is a good sign.

Time apart from your partner may also be a nice break, or feel like a relief. If you feel relieved to be away from your mate, it may be a sign that you need to make your break permanent.


They say distance offers clarity, and I couldn’t agree more. Being in the day to day life of a relationship if you are dating, but especially if you live together, it can be hard to pinpoint the issues or the root cause of your doubts.

You need to give yourself space to have that aha moment. Figure out why you feel conflicted about this guy. Is he not who you thought he was or have you just outgrown the relationship? Distancing yourself will help you view him and your relationship more clearly.


Much like clarity, time apart will give you the ability to assess your relationship and decide what you really want. Without being overwhelmed by all of your attraction and desire for your guy, time apart can give you the opportunity to assess him, assess the relationship, and decide if he is someone you want to be with long term.

If you feel as if you need some space from a romantic situation, take a break from the relationship. If you believe that you need time, then take the time you need, and don’t feel pressured to stay with someone or in a relationship if you are having doubts. If your partner says they won’t wait for you, then they are not the one for you.

What are your thoughts on taking time apart? Do you think time apart helps, or if there are problems in the relationship a break up should just happen? Please share your thought and experience on time apart!

“If someone makes you miserable more than they make you happy, then it is time to let them go, no matter how much you love them.” - Unknown

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