Is Meeting The Right One Coincidence Or Fate?

Is Meeting The Right One Coincidence Or Fate?

Are you a believer in fate? Do you think that some things are just meant to happen no matter what we do? Or do you believe that life is a series of chances and choices and that anything can happen?

When it comes to love, I like the idea of both fate and coincidence bringing two people together who should be together. Love is wonderful, and finding the right one by coincidence is awesome, but finding the one via fate is amazing.

Both fate and coincidence are beyond our control. They just happen. Fate is what’s meant to be, no matter what you do, and coincidence is a matter of right place, right time. Is the love of your life fate or coincidence?


What is fate? Fate, also known as destiny, is the development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. A relationship that is fated to happen is meant to be.

Now, just because a relationship with a certain person is meant to be doesn’t mean that the relationship is guaranteed to give you a happily ever after.

The relationship or relationships that are your destiny may be such because there is an experience you need to have or a lesson you need to learn, which could be good or bad.

Signs Your Relationship Is Fate

  • You Keep Crossing Each Others Path

  • You Share Similar Experiences, Both Past and Present

  • Feels Like Kindred Spirit

  • Invisible Forces Pulling You To Each Other


What is a coincidence? A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.

When I refer to a relationship as being coincidence I just mean that it is not about some cosmic force bringing two lovers together, but about two people who find each other attractive in a chance meeting by being at the right place at the right time.

Signs Your Relationship Is Coincidence

  • Grew Up In or Live-In Same City or Town

  • Mutual Friends or Coworkers

  • Dating App or Matchmaker

I know that fate and coincidence sound similar, but know that fate has been at work when you find out that you both went to the same college years before, or lived in the same city somewhere else and never met. Or were at the same party but never crossed paths. It was fate at work but the timing was off.

Personally, I can look back on relationships and easily identify the coincidence relationships versus fate relationships. I was once at a crossroads and had a decision to make about where I would move for my career. One path seemed very simple, more familiar, and almost easy. The other path was the unknown, it was scary, and it would be harder.

I sought the counsel of an older friend and mentor and she said to take the path of the unknown. She said that is where your destiny is, and you already know where the other path leads. I know it sounds kooky, but I followed her advice and she was absolutely right. That decision led me to where I am today. It let me to where I was always meant to be.

What are your thoughts on fate versus coincidence? Do you believe you are fated to be with one particular person? Do you think coincidental relationships are equally as important and special? Please share your thoughts and experience!

“Fate is the promise that life is not a random string of tragedy and comedy without meaning. Fate proclaims that our lives are in fact so meaningful, so necessary, that our stories are written by the gods and goddesses, by the heavens themselves. We may only glimpse our fate, hinted by the stars or the creases of our hands; but even this glimpse is evidence of our contract with the universe, that we are players in the great wheel of life and death and rebirth.” - Sy Montgomery, Spell of the Tiger

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