Why Smart, Successful Women Are With Losers

Why Smart, Successful Women Are With Losers

Not all smart, successful women are dating or married to losers of course, but the ones that are really stand out. We all have these amazing girlfriends who currently have or had men in their lives that made us cringe. Or worse, we were the one with the guy who made our friends ask, “What is she thinking?”.

Love can make us blind, but it can also make us very determined to make a relationship that’s not worth it, work. Successful women are used to getting it done and making it work, no matter the cost at times.

To be clear, my definition of loser has nothing to do with his looks, his bank account, or his education level. He is a loser if he is untrustworthy, he’s lazy, he’s a user, he’s selfish, and he’s rude and disrespectful.

Here’s Why Smart Women Are In Toxic Relationships

Enjoys A Challenge

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Smart women like to solve problems and fix issues. Sometimes that includes fixing men. A man who lacks direction and ambition can present a project and challenge for a successful woman. She likes the idea of proving others wrong about him but also being able to “mold” him into the man she wants.


Smart women are thinkers and analyzers. A smart woman tends to look for the “why” behind the behaviors. She quickly turns into his therapist or surrogate mother, instead of being the partner she is supposed to be.

She will tell herself that he grew up in a broken home or doesn’t know what a healthy relationship looks like, so she tolerates unacceptable behavior and treatment, all the while making excuses for him.


A successful woman is used to succeeding and achieving her goals. Once she has set her sights on a man, no matter how bad he is for her, she will be determined to make the relationship work, sometimes even to her own detriment.


Successful women can be very stubborn and determined. She just knows that he has potential and if she can help him see that, everything would work out. This may especially be the case if others have expressed doubt choosing him or about things working out.

She Is Settling

Some would say that success comes at a price. Years spent focusing on schooling and career don’t necessarily leave much time for a love life.

The successful woman may feel the pressure to have it all. The job, the man, and the family. So she settles because “the clock” is ticking, and everyone else her age is already settling down and starting a family.

Love is a beautiful thing, but it cannot change the fundamentals of who a person truly is. People can change, but they have to want to. There are good men, there are bad guys, and there are choices in life.

What are your thoughts on smart, successful women ending up with losers? Are you one of these women? If so, why did you end up with a loser? Please share!

“This is what I know. Don't settle for 40, 50, or even 80 percent. A relationship-it shouldn't be too small or too tight or even a little scratchy. It shouldn't take up space in your closet out of guilty conscience or convenience or a moment of desire. Do you hear me? It should be perfect for you. It should be lasting. Wait. wait for 100 percent.” ― Deb Caletti, The Secret Life of Prince Charming

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