6 Relationship Red Flags

6 Relationship Red Flags

Dating and taking things slow with someone new serves a purpose. Diving right in to a relationship with a man or woman you barely know is not wise to say the least. The whole point of dating is to get to know the person, find out capability, and to flesh out any behaviors or traits that are dealbreakers for you.

In a new relationship, you may become so fascinated by your new boo that you start to miss the red flags that you definitely should be looking for. Knowing what signs to be on the lookout for is important, and will ultimately save you a lot of heartache and grief in the long run.

6 Relationship Red Flags To Avoid

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Red Flag #1 He’s A Taker

Everything revolves around him and what he wants. He is showing signs of being selfish. He is selfish with his time, selfish with money, and he is even selfish in bed. Selfish people will always ask for more than they give, which is not a behavior likely to change in the future.

Plus, selfish men make bad lovers, and who wants to put up with that.

Red Flag #2 He Has Questionable Employment

Does he describe himself as an entrepreneur or always seems to be “in between” jobs? Is his current career or employment, and past employment, sounding a little sketchy to you? If you are not sure what he does for a living, or doubt that he is telling is the truth, then you are getting a big red flag that you need to listen to.

People go through hard times for sure, but someone who is struggling to get their life together is someone who should be focusing on that, not on dating.

Red Flag #3 His Living Situation

You have never been to his home or if his living situation seems questionable, the that is a red flag. Depending on his age, there is nothing wrong with him having roommates, but there is a lot he can be hiding if you never go to his place. Maybe he is still living at home with his parents, or worse he is living with his girlfriend or wife.

He may also be crashing on someone’s couch, which means he has some instability in his life and things he needs to focus on other than dating.

Red Flag #4 He Has Bad Habits

You need to pay attention if they seem to be a heavy partier, drinker, or gambler. In the early stages we get to see the best a romantic partner has to offer. If questionable behaviors are popping up like drinking, gambling, and drug use, you need to ask yourself if this is someone you want to have in your life.

Don’t try to rescue him or make him your project. Your job is to focus on making a good life for yourself. Besides, you can easily get in over your head trying to deal with someone with addiction issues if you are not a professional.

Red Flag #5 He’s Has A Temper

When you first met him he was fun loving, sweet, and kind. That’s partly what drew you to him. But if you start seeing flashes of anger, rudeness, and unkindness, consider it a red flag. None of us are perfect. And all of us can be angered under the right circumstances, but if he lashes at you or others people with cruel words and cruel behavior, he may be hiding an abusive side.

You do not want to end up in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship, so take this red flag sign very serious.

Red Flag #6 Something Seem Not Quite Right About Him

He often seems great, then other times something about him seems not quite right. He is handsome, and funny, and so easy to talk to, but alarm bells are sounding internally telling you that he is not what he seems. Your instincts are telling you that he is hiding a part of himself, and wearing a mask. This is a big pretender red flag. What you see is not what you get.

Some red flags are more obvious than others. When it comes to deciding who to date, who to spend time with, and who to love, you should listen to your head and gut, and not ignore the obvious signs that he’s not a keeper.

What are your thoughts on identifying red flags? Do you take your cues from red flags or do you ignore them?Please share your experience with calling it quits because of red flags, or ignoring them and having a relationship work out.

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