7 Signs He Truly Loves You

Being in love is such a wonderful feeling. It’s not just about how you feel about the other person, but also about how they make you feel about yourself and as a couple.

When you feel truly loved by someone you feel supported, and happy, and special. Being loved by that certain someone is like having a secret super power. I mean you were already awesome, but their love just somehow gives you an extra something.

You feel in love with them, and they tell you that they love you too. It is always nice to hear the words “I love you” from someone you love, but at the end of the day that’s all they are, just words. Actions are more of a true reflections of someone’s thoughts and feelings.

People can say anything, but real love requires effort and more than lip service. There are some undeniable signs that he truly loves you.

7 Signs He Truly Loves You

He Is Affectionate


The way he looks at you. The way he talks to you. The way he touches you. His body language and his non-sexual interactions with you will show you how much he cares.

He Cares About Your Happiness

A man who truly loves you will want you to be happy, even if that means an inconvenience or sacrifice on his part. You being happy makes him happy too. Your happiness is a priority to him.

He Is Supportive

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A man who truly loves you will be your one man cheering section and your biggest fan. He will give you words of encouragement and will lift you up when you are feeling down. When he loves you, he is proud of you and believes in you.

He Is Protective

A man who loves you will be very protective of you. He will never want to see you hurting, and will always come to your defense. He also takes care to not be a source of pain for you by treating you with respect, and minding his actions and words.

He Is Thoughtful

A man who loves is always thinking of you. When he is out and about without you, many things will bring you to his mind. A song on the radio, a scent in the air, or even a location you once visited. He truly listens to you when you talk and remembers what you say and what you like.

He will pick up your favorite flowers for you just because, or fill up your gas tank without you asking.

He “Sees” You

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A man can only truly love you if he sees and accepts the real you. If a man has seen the worst of you and still looks deep and lovingly into your eyes with no judgement he truly loves you.

He Misses You When Apart

It’s so cute how much a man in love misses you when you are apart. A man who truly loves you will miss you like crazy when he is away from you. He may not say it, but the phone calls, and texts he sends when you two are apart is his way of telling you he misses you.

Being in love is about an emotional connection. The connection is either there or it isn’t. When a man is in love with you it is usually pretty obvious whether he says the words or not. Strangers will be able to pick up on his love and adoration for you. It is quite special and sweet.

Are you able to recognize when a man truly loves you? Hearing the words is nice, but don’t get caught up in words. His actions are far more important and telling than any three words could ever be. So what are your thoughts on recognizing a man in love? Please share your thoughts and experience!

“I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you.” – John Legend

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